Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Vaastu Practice & Remedies

Every human being needs cosmic and direct forms of energy as per his genetic code, daily routine and work. Each person is projected with different type of stress and strain in his daily routine, accordingly his energy requirement varies.
Any additions, deletions, cuts, irregularity in  shape of plots and non alignment of geometric & geomagnetic axis (as shown in following figures) lead to imbalance in the cosmic  body of Vaastu Purush & are paid back as penalty to the occupants and residents of house in the coming future.

In the extremely urbanised scenario of high rise buildings & flatted complex it is almost impossible to find an ideal Vaastu oriented place to live & work. But our ancients have given us such a magnificent system which suggests the ways to balance the helical streams of energy without demolishing the existing structure..
 Energy being the basic module for decision of everything in Vaastushastra which manifests through vibrations, sound, light and waves. These four parameters & the main factors which reinforces these virtues in the house &  are used through the following mediums.
1. Crystals, gems, pearls, Pyramids, mirrors, Colours, Stones, Metals, Lights, Vaastu Yanatras- All these have the aura of planets & five elements, their biosensitive behaviour; help in holistic cure of the environment. protects and nurtures the microcosm as a prism connects this microcosm to immensity of macrocosm by channeling the cosmic energy in a particular way. (mind is defined a Tejas Dravyam i.e. material formed light.)
2. Plants & Trees- depict divine plan & are associated with qualities o fGods e.g. – Lord Brahma with Lotus, coconut tree with Lord Shiva. Banyan & peepal tree are worshiped in India. Biophysics also speaks of biorhythm through plants leading to intellectual synchronicity and natural frequency.
3. Fountain & Water Bodies - Jal Tatwa ( water) is denoted a Amrit (nectar) having within its fold Jyoti (light) and Ras (essence) Cleansing the voids, purifying & revitalizing the spaces and streaming the energy. These are three important qualities of water e.g. Gangajal, bathing in rivers in India.
4. Sound -Bells & Chanting of mantra - Mantra Recitation -The entire universe is the embodiment of Nada without which neither song nor dance can exist. The consciousness of Nada Brahaman leads to enlightenment. The notes of music have symbolic meaning, they evoke varied moods. Each note activates & effects the different cells of the body & mind. Positive sound is productive; it creates greater understanding & unity & is closest to the divine; connecting us  to the source of all creations. That is why Gods are associated with music e.g. Nataraja with Damaru, Krishna with flute, Saraswati with Veena, & narada with tanpura. Legendary musicians Tansen brought rain, Thyagaraja brought to life a person presumed dead by singing the raga Malhar & Bihari respectively.
 Chanting is recommended by all religions. It helps activate resource center in our system; produce electromagnetic waves at different points of brain restoring physical mental balance;  leading to Pranav dhvani - the ceaseless, primodial reverberations within - resonance of the last syllable ‘OM’ is healing sound .It elevate the spirit & effects positively both mind & body. Bell’s reverberating sound cleans the negative spaces; create a holistic pause in human mind to give immense peace. Sound is power ful force  - it can heal it can  destroy also
Astrology, Yogashastra and Vaastu science, by using the above methods, when used together, serve as catalysts, give a good solution to all vaastu faults, rectify the cosmic alignment of an individual, without demolition & restructuring the existing building can provide a holistic curve for all the problems in the world & succour to human mind that has lost its way in the confusing scenario of the modern era, have profound effect on us on all levels- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual, leading to positive relationships, satisfaction in all his endeavors, happiness, bliss, and grace.
Vaastushastra is the art of living with natural forces in harmony and peace. It is a science of fortune making. is much beyond the physical orbit of present science.

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